- It is a small tree or a large evergreen tropical shrub that is mostly cultivated for ornamental purpose only. They are also called as Yellow Oleander due to it’s long funnel-shaped yellow flowers and oleander-like leaves. Cascabela Thevetiacould grow up from 3 to 6m in length. As mentioned prior, their leaves are Oleander-like or willow-like long and narrow glossy green. And their stems are initially green that turn into Silver or Gray as they age.Cascabela Thevetia are in fact easy to care for, and their best growth could be seen in warm regions, it will be greatly valued in parks or any outdoor gardens, Landscapes etc.
- In case of Cascabela Thevetia, full sunlight for at least 6 hours daily is compulsory, then for rest periods they could be placed in indirect light. Water abundantly in summer, then reduces gradually when the Winter or rainy season comes. Soil on which they are supposed to be planted must be kept moist, not wet. It had to be well-drained, rich with organic contents. These soil temperatures must be above 27 degree Celsius. And Climate should be Warm. And in terms of feeding, use organic fertilizers especially during summer.