Agave filitera (Thread Agave) is an evergreen perennial succulent forming striking rosettes of stiff, pointed, dark green leaves edged with ornamental white threads. Mature plants (over 10 years) flower only once. They are topped with a magnificent flowering spike that can reach 8 H. (250 cm), and bears dense clusters of greenish-white flowers. The flowering rosette dies after flowering, but new rosettes formed by offsets will root at the base of the mother rosette to form colonies.
đŸª´Agave filitera (Thread Agave) is an evergreen perennial succulent forming striking rosettes of stiff, pointed, dark green leaves edged with ornamental white threads. Mature plants (over 10 years) flower only once. They are topped with a magnificent flowering spike that can reach 8 H. (250 cm), and bears dense clusters of greenish-white flowers. The flowering rosette dies after flowering, but new rosettes formed by offsets will root at the base of the mother rosette to form colonies.
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