Calathea plants are native to Africa, the West Indies, and Central and South America. All are treasured for their large, oval, distinctly patterned, and vibrantly colored leaves. The beautiful striped leaves grow at the end of long stems and require quite a bit of care to stay looking good.
Blozem Hints đŸª´
The leaves of calathea plants are easily damaged by the quality of the water you use. Use distilled water or rainwater. Calathea plants like moist but not soggy soil at all times; never let the plant sit in water. Allow the top 2- inches of the soil to dry out before watering. Calathea plants need high humidity and when the air is too dry they develop brown leaf edges. Increase the humidity by placing the plant on a tray of wet pebbles, setting a humidifier near-by, or by grouping plants together to create a mini-greenhouse effect.
Thrives in bright, indirect light. Can tolerate lower light conditions, but optimal leaf variegation occurs with ample light.
Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Use filter water and provide high humidity for best results.
Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).
Considered non-toxic to pets, making it a safe choice for homes with cats and dogs.
Air Purifying
Calathea contributes to cleaner indoor air by filtering common pollutants, promoting a healthier living environment.
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