With her elegant ‘robes’ of luscious pale green, crowned with a royal red, Miranda reigns supreme over the Echeveria family. The longer she rules, the more sophisticated she becomes with pale green foliage giving way to deeper, more intense colouring as she matures. The quintessential queen of the Echevaria and she knows it too.
Thrives in bright, indirect light and will appreciate direct sunlight for a few hours a day. A little bit of sun will bring out Miranda’s brightest colours.

Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering. Water thoroughly and allow to drain freely. Water directly into soil to avoid fungal infections in the rosette.

This Echeveria is happy in places with temperatures between 15°C and 23°C and can cope in as low as 10°C for short periods. Avoid draughts as this can cause Miranda to droop.

Miranda preferes lower levels but will do fine in normal household humidity. Avoid kitchen or bathroom placement.
Ayoub E Cher –
The plant arrived in great shape and quickly! great service