- Ficus Bonsai tree XL (Ficus Ginseng) is an evergreen ornamental tree, which is treasured with strong trunk and very dense foliage. They are distinct by their appearance, as these trees have a dark green oval-shaped foliage. Their roots resemble similarity with that of ginger trees. And bark is of reddish colour. And they could be easily grown with small amounts of water.
- With its native to Southeast Asian regions or Malaysia and Taiwan, these are evergreen hardy trees that require effort to thrive. Ficus Bonsai tree XL (Ficus Ginseng) generally performs well when kept near a window, where you could ensure at least 3 to 5 hours outdoor or indoor Sunlight, which is considered necessary for their healthy growth. Water once or twice per week. There must be frequent watering during the growing season (April – May). Use well-drained soil rich and fertile with organic content. Ideal temperature is considered to be in a range of 15 – 27 degree Celsius. And in terms of feeding, use Organic fertilizer and feed them especially during the growing season (April – May).